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Lab Brick® LMS Signal Generators

Lab Brick® LMS Signal Generators

0.5-20 GHz, High Performance Programmable Signal Generators

USB powered and controlled

• Includes easy to install and use GUI

• Fast switching to 20 GHz

• Selectable internal/external 10 MHz reference

• Phase continuous frequency sweep (LFM)

• High-speed internal and external pulse modulation

• Autonomous operation from USB hub or battery pack

• Robust aluminum construction

• API DLL and LabVIEW compatible drivers available




Lab Brick® LMS Signal Generators series of USB-compatible, synthesized signal generators cover a frequency range from 0.5 MHz – 20 GHz with low noise, fast 100-microsecond switching time, and fine 100 Hz frequency resolution. They require no additional DC supply voltage and offer advanced features such as phase-continuous linear-frequency sweeping, internal/external 10 MHz reference, and optional pulse modulation. GUI software can track and control several connected signal generators, simplifying multiple-signal test setups. Each device stores settings in internal memory, allowing it to power up in a specific instrument state.

Each device comes with a USB flash drive containing the GUI software and digital version of the programming guide, along with a 3-ft. USB cable. It measures 4.90 x 3.14 x 1.59 in. (124 x 80 x 40 mm.) and weighs less than 1 lb. (0.45 kg). In non-USB applications, the Lab Brick® signal generators can operate with battery power or remote power supply. For automatic-test-equipment (ATE) applications, a programming guide is available for each Lab Brick® signal generator. In addition, they are programmable by means of LabVIEW software drivers from National Instruments (www.ni.com). Lab Brick® LMS Signal Generators

Lab Brick® synthesized signal generators comply with international requirements for electromagnetic-compatibility (EMC) emissions and immunity for Class A ISM devices to ensure that they don’t interfere with other ISM-band equipment. All Lab Brick LMS signal generators are ROHS-compliant and can be used with any PC or laptop computer with USB 2.0 port (or powered USB hub) and Windows 2000, XP, Vista, or Windows 7 operating system. Lab Brick® LMS Signal Generators


Standard Models1

LMS-271D 0.5 – 260 MHz
LMS-232D 0.5 – 2.3 GHz
LMS-402D 1.0 – 4.0 GHz
LMS-602D 1.5 – 6.0 GHz
LMS-802 4 – 8 GHz
LMS-802DX 2 – 8 GHz
LMS-103 5 – 10 GHz
LMS-123 8 – 12 GHz
LMS-163 8 – 16 GHz
LMS-183DX 6 – 18 GHz
LMS-203 10 – 20 GHz
Phase Noise at 10 kHz/100 kHz Offset
LMS-232D -98/-105 dBc/Hz
LMS-402D -98/-105 dBc/Hz
LMS-602D -85/-94 dBc/Hz
LMS-802 -81/-89 dBc/Hz
LMS-802DX -85/-93 dBc/Hz
LMS-103 -81/-89 dBc/Hz
LMS-123 -77/-86 dBc/Hz
LMS-163 -75/-83 dBc/Hz
LMS-183DX -75/-83 dBc/Hz
LMS-203 -75/-83 dBc/Hz
Resolution 100 Hz
Accuracy +/- 2ppm
Switching 100 microseconds
Output Power
Range: LMS-802, LMS-103, LMS-123, LMS-232D, LMS-402D, LMS-602D +10 – -40 dBm
LMS-802DX, LMS-183DX (6-13 GHz) +10 – -70 dBm  2
LMS-163, LMS-203 +10 – -30 dBm
Resolution 0.5 dB
Accuracy +/- 0.75 dB at +10 dBm
+/- 2.0 dB full range  3
Typical -80 dBc
Maximum -70 dBc
VSWR 1.5:1
Typical – LMS-802DX, LMS-183DX (see plots) -40 dBc
Typical – All others -20 dBc
LMS-802, LMS-103, LMS-123, LMS-183DX -60 dBm
LMS-163, LMS-203 -25 dBc
LMS-232D, LMS-402D, LMS-602D,


Selectable Internal/External Reference
Frequency 10 MHz
Input Level 500 mV to 3V peak to peak
Output Level (LMS-802DX, LMS-183DX only) 1.5V peak to peak
Phase-Continuous Linear-Frequency Sweep (LFM)
Sweep Time 1 ms to 1000 seconds
Sweep Direction Up, down, bidirectional
Optional Pulse Modulation
Pulse Depth
LMS-802, LMS-802DX, LMS-103, LMS-123, LMS-232D, LMS-402D, LMS-602D, LMS-183DX -70 dBc typical, -60 dBc min.
LMS-163, LMS-203 -45 dBc typical, -35 dBc min.
Rise/Fall Time 30 ns typical
Internal Pulse Mode
Pulse Width 100 ns min.
PRI 100 ns plus pulse width min.
Resolution 100 ns
Trigger Output 0 to 5 volts
External Pulse Mode
Pulse Width 100 ns min.
PRI 100 ns plus pulse width
Trigger Input 0 to 5 Volts nom., 0 to 3 Volts min.
DC Current Via USB
LMS-802, LMS-103, LMS-123, LMS-232D, LMS-402D, LMS-602D 5 volts – 300 mA
LMS-163, LMS-203 550 mA
LMS-802DX 5 volts – 600 mA
LMS-183DX 5 volts – 650 mA
RF Connector SMA-female
USB Connector B-female
Dimensions 4.90 x 3.14 x 1.59 in.
(124 x 80 x 40 mm)
Weight ≤ 1.0 lbs. (≤ .45 kG)
Mounting Holes (2) #6 socket-head screws
(not included)
Available Options
Opt 003 Pulse Modulation
Opt 004 Frequency Sweep Trigger
GUI Compatibility Windows XP/2000/7/8/10
Included Accessories USB Flash Drive with GUI Software &
User Manual/Programming Guide/Window DLL/Linux driver/LabVIEW driver/3-ft. USB Cable
1 Customized models are available tailored to specific performance requirements. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

2LMS-183DX – Output Power range above 13GHz is +10 – -55 dBm minimum

3LMS-802DX and LMS-183DX – +/- 2.5dB Accuracy

Applications include:

• Automated Test Equipment (ATE)

• Portable LO Source

• Engineering/Production Test Lab


Lab Brick® LMS Signal Generators
Get in touch with us to inquire about our tailored consulting services.