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Regatron Grid Simulators & Systems

Regatron Grid Simulators & Systems

  • Setting of operational parameters for each output phase: (frequency, phase, voltage, basic waveform)
  • Defining functional blocks enabling a wide variety of modulation capabilities
  • Defining, editing and storing of even complex and long test sequences
  • Preview window for output voltage waveforms
  • LC load mode, definition of complex equivalent circuits
  • Hand drawing curve tool and FOURIER tool (harmonics synthesis)
  • TC.ACS provides an extensive safety concept in order to detect unwanted or off-limit conditions very quickly and to initiate controlled limiting or even a shutdown.


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Introducing the Regatron Grid Simulators & Systems

REGATRON’s  3-in-1 full 4-Quadrant, Regenerative, Bidirectional Source & Sink Grid Simulators (Grid Simulator, Power Amplifier and AC load)‎ of the series TC.ACS are of a precisely engineered, high quality, modular design.

The latest multi-level inverter technology for high-resolution voltage / current patterns, allows the Simulator  to cover the entire fundamental frequency range from DC up to 1000 Hz and up to 5000 Hz modulation bandwidth. A specialized multi-processor core prepares all relevant voltage / current shapes in real-time to ensure a very stable phase relationship and event timing throughout. A specialized multi-processor prepares all relevant voltage/current shapes in real-time to ensure a very stable phase relationship and event timing.


Regatron Grid Simulators & Systems

Regatron Grid Simulators & Systems

Key Features

Exceptional Feature (Examples)

  • Setting of operational parameters for each output phase: (frequency, phase, voltage, basic waveform)
  • Defining functional blocks enabling a wide variety of modulation capabilities
  • Defining, editing and storing of even complex and long test sequences
  • Preview window for output voltage waveforms
  • LC load mode, definition of complex equivalent circuits
  • Hand drawing curve tool and FOURIER tool (harmonics synthesis)
  • TC.ACS provides an extensive safety concept in order to detect unwanted or off-limit conditions very quickly and to initiate controlled limiting or even a shutdown.


Key Benefits

The excellent designed, highly engineered TC.ACS Grid Simulator is supported by the Application software ACSControl and by the GRIDSim software, covering all imaginable applications. Even automated test runs, or predefined grid patterns can be generated with only a few clicks.

Regatron Grid Simulators & Systems

Trust the Experts at ACA TMetrix Inc.

ACA TMetrix Inc. is a leading Canadian distributor of test and measurement instruments and design tools. For over 55 years we have provided products manufactured by the world’s leading instrument manufacturers. Leading Distributor of Design Tools and Test Equipment in Canada.


REGATRON grid simulator systems use a state of the art multilevel double inverter technology. The main advantages over existing linear power supplies are a substantial reduction of power losses, full 4-quadrant
operation, very compact power units and the modular, cost-effective architecture. This allows the user to choose a system size well-fitting his requirements, including the possibility for future power expansions and/or splitting-up of the system into several stand-alone subsystems. The basic triphase power units of 30kVA or 50 kVA may be expanded by simply paralleling further blocks even to big systems reaching 1 MVA.

Even higher power levels may be achieved by means of multi-system operation. With the availability of the active neutral string, any single phase or asymmetric condition can be simulated. Additionally, the neutral can be connected to Protective Earth (PE), if required.

The system will allow for all relevant testing according to the grid-feed-in regulations (CENELEC, DIN, IEC). Notethe operation as a grid simulator, as fast triphase full 4-quadrant voltage amplifier and as a programmable
electronic load are possible.

Get in touch with us to inquire about our tailored consulting services.