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Vitrek 95X Series Hipot Testers

Vitrek 95X Series Hipot Testers

  • The S type Channel card provides economical, high-performance power measurement with a basic 0.1% accuracy and enough bandwidth to handle waveforms up to 1.25 MHz.
  • The A-type ultra-precision Channel card offers a 2-year accuracy rating of 0.03% of reading and bandwidth up to 1.25 MHz.
  • The W type Wideband Channel card performs precision power measurements on the toughest real-world waveforms, with sampling speed fast enough to tame waveforms up to 5Mhz


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Introducing the Vitrek 95X Series Hipot Testers

Power & Versatility for your Most Demanding Electrical Safety Test Applications

Vitrek built the 95X Series from the ground up with DSP technology – to bring you the safest, fastest, most capable, feature rich hipot testers available. The 95X Series combines high output power, with a wide range of AC & DC voltage outputs and extremely low leakage current measurement. Then we added a 4-wire milli-ohmmeter with dynamic range up to 100K ohms and an overlapping Tera-ohm class Insulation Resistance function. Top that off with an available 40 Amp Ground Bond capability and you’re just beginning to get a feel for what the Vitrek 95X Series Hipot Testers can do for you.


Vitrek 95X Series Hipot Testers

Vitrek 95X Series Hipot Testers

Key Features

  • Highest Level of Operator Safety– features include: GFI High speed shut down for earth ground leakage faults, SFI™ Safety Fault Interlock – High speed shut down output for interruption of safety interlock, TLSS™ Test Lead Safety Sense – Clamps DUT chassis near ground by continuously verifying proper connection of test leads prior to and during HV testing, Recessed start switch prevents inadvertent actuation
  • High Power Output– means better drive capability and increased test throughout. With up to 50mA of sourcing current for DC hipot the 95X Series gets heavy duty jobs done fast – available 100mA & 200mA AC drive tackles even the toughest sourcing requirements
  • Wide Range of built-in Voltage Capabilities– Choose from 6.5KVDC, 11KVDC or 15KVDC and 6KVAC, 10KVAC or up to 30KV RMS AC with external option
  • The Fastest Hipot Testers available– Thanks to our Dual Coldfire® microprocessors combined with Dual DSPs to provide Ramp rates up to 50KV/second, dwell times as low as 20mS and overall test times as fast as 3mS in optional Flash mode
  • Expansive Test Sequence Memoryholds up to 100 tests with up to 100 steps per test. Tests can be selected via front panel, Ethernet, RS232, Digital I/O or with optional GPIB
  • Ground Bond Test Capabilityavailable in three models with output currents from 100mA to 40Amps RMS and test times from 20mS to 1000 seconds or longer
  • 4-Wire Milli-Ohmmeter Functionprovides fast, accurate 5 digit resistance measurements with resolution down to 100µΩ and range up to 100K ohms
  • Built-in Phase Angle Measurement– allows the measurement and display of both resistive (in-phase) leakage current and reactive (out-of-phase) leakage current caused by capacitive coupling
  • Multi-Dwell Functionality– permits dwells at different voltage levels without having to return to zero between test steps – dramatically simplifying advanced analysis of dielectric properties
  • Ramp High/Dwell Low Current Limits– permits the user to set separate limits for the ramp and dwell providing faster ramp times and lower leakage test limits
  • Ethernet, RS232, Digital I/O, USB Printer & Scanner Control – All Standard Interfaces– Provides the highest level of test automation. GPIB optional
  • High Voltage Scanner Control– up to 256 point switching capability with available 964i HV Scanners. Route voltages up to 15KV and currents up to 40A for multi-point hipot and ground bond tests
  • Dual Dimensional / Test Specific / Broadband Arc Detection. Where lesser testers allow you to set a single, global, amplitude only arc limit – the technologically advanced 95X Series utilizes time & amplitude based arc limits and uniquely applies them to each desired test
  • Pico-Amp Leakage Measurementinsures that even the lowest leakage current levels are accurately detected and tera-ohm range IR readings are stable and precise
  • Test Specific Fixture & Cable Compensation– Automatically calibrate out offset errors caused by lead resistance, fixture capacitance and leakage
  • Multi-Mode IR– Insulation Resistance values up to one Tera-ohm can be obtained with precision in your choice of 3 IR test modes – end on time, end on pass or end on fail
  • Continuously Variable IR Test Voltage– Unlike most IR testers which limit you to 3 or 4 discrete test voltages, the 950i Series allows you to select the test voltage you need. Starting as low as 20V all the way to 6.5KV, 11KV or 15KVDC
  • Capacitance Test Modes– For AC & DC hipot and IR provide tightly controlled charge and discharge profiles for superior results on critical solar panel tests and other highly capacitive loads
  • Light Weight Switching Power Supply Design– Better reliability, easier on your back. Compare the 8.2 kg 95X to whatever you’ve been using
  • 400Hz AC Voltage Withstand Testingprovides aviation frequency specific test results for a more effective analysis of dielectric properties on avionic components
  • Solar Panel Testing Simplified– Designed with PV testing in mind, the 950i Series uses pico-amp resolution to detect minute defects in solar cells
  • 3 Year Extended Warranty– 1 year standard, total of 3 years extended warranty with registration and annual factory calibration. Built-in reliability you can count on for years to come
  • Safety Testedper EN 61010-1. EMC compliant to EN 61326-1


Key Benefits

Vitrek 95X Series Hipot Testers

For more than 25 years Vitrek has been driven by an obsession to build a better hipot tester. Increased user safety, faster test times, higher output voltages and more functionality have been our driving force. The 95X series is the result of this pursuit – offering power, speed, accuracy and resolution that leave the others far behind.

For Demanding Hipot Tests – Demand the Vitrek 95X

Speed and power go hand in hand, the 6.5KVDC models offer 50mA of source current for DC Hipot – providing the power you need to rapidly charge and discharge challenging DUTs. Models are also available with DC hipot up to 11KV and 15KV. Most of the 95x series also offer 50mA of sourcing for AC hipot, but for heavier AC loads the 95X can be configured to source up to 100mA or even as much as 200mA. For higher AC hipot voltages the 95X can generate up to 10KV internally and all models are available with an external 30KVAC hipot option.

When it comes to making critical leakage current measurements, the 95X delivers rock-solid resolution down to 100 pico-amps. This high resolution provides built-in insulation resistance measurement (IR) up to a Tera-ohm, add a 4-wire milli-ohmmeter with autoranging up to 100K ohm and an available 40 amp Ground Bond function – and you are beginning to understand the versatility of the Vitrek 95X Series.

Need To Hipot Multiple Test Points?

The 95X has the ability to directly control up to four 64 channel HV scanners, right out of the box. That is up to 256 test points and using a PC with Vitrek’s QuickTest Pro software you can expand the count up to 640 test points. The HV Switching System of choice is the Vitrek 964i which can hold eight 8 channel switching cards – available in 7, 10 & 15 KV ratings. The 964i also has switching cards to handle routing up to 40 amp ground bond currents.

Vitrek 95X Series Hipot Testers

Trust the Experts at ACA TMetrix Inc.

ACA TMetrix Inc. is a leading Canadian distributor of test and measurement instruments and design tools. For over 55 years we have provided products manufactured by the world’s leading instrument manufacturers. Leading Distributor of Design Tools and Test Equipment in Canada.


Specifications are valid at the 95x terminals for 1 year at ambient temperatures within ±5C of calibration temperature (add 5% of accuracy specification per C outside of this). All specifications are relative to the calibration standards used. Add ½ digit to all accuracies for displayed results (results available with enhanced resolution from interfaces).



The listings below show the maximum loading current and power capabilities of the 95x at ambient temperatures ≤30C. For ambient temperatures above 30C linearly reduce the maximum loading current and power by 1%/C.
For frequencies above 100Hz other than 400Hz, the user should linearly interpolate using the <100Hz and 400Hz capabilities shown in the applicable listing.
Where both a current and power limit is shown, the most stringent limit applies.

951i-954i and 957i, <100Hz : 50mArms (40mArms resistive), reduce by 0.08mA per V above 5525Vrms
951i-954i and 957i, 400Hz : 35mArms, reduce by 0.065mA per V above 5600Vrms
Option AC-2, <100Hz : 200mArms (135mArms resistive), reduce by 0.67mA per V above 1750Vrms
Option AC-2, 400Hz : 140mArms, reduce by 0.4mA per V above 1700Vrms
Option 500VA, <100Hz : 100mArms (50mArms resistive), reduce by 0.14mA per V above 5425Vrms 500VA Above 65mArms has a limited test time (e.g. 1sec at 100mArms)
Option 500VA, 400Hz : 85mArms (50mArms resistive), reduce by 0.11mA per V above 5375Vrms Above 65mArms has a limited test time (e.g. 1sec at 100mArms)
955i and 957i Opt. AC-10, <100Hz : 30mArms (20mArms resistive)
955i and 957i Opt. AC-10, 400Hz : 22mArms
Option AC-30 : 10mArms (7mArms resistive) 250VA


Impedance Limiting
951-4i and 957i (standard build) : 12KΩ + 0.5H
Opt. 500VA : 7KΩ + 0.25H
Opt. AC2 : 1.4KΩ + 0.2H
955i and 957i Opt. AC10 : 25KΩ + 1.0H
SOURCE set to EXT : 200KΩ

Peak Shutdown Current
951-4i and 957i (standard build) : 120mA
Opt. 500VA : 145mA
Opt. AC2 : 280mA
955i and 957i Opt. AC10 : 60mA
SOURCE set to EXT : 21mA
DUT GROUNDED set to YES : 50mA


Test Voltage Range
951-4i and 957i (standard build or Opt. 500VA) : 20 to 6000Vrms, reduce maximum voltage by 0.6V per Hz above 100Hz
955i and 957i Opt. AC-10 : 50 to 10000Vrms, reduce maximum voltage by 1V per Hz above 100Hz
Opt. HSS : 20 to 4000Vrms
Opt. AC-2 : 10 to 2000Vrms, reduce maximum voltage by 0.2V per Hz above 100Hz
Opt. AC-30 : 120 to 30000Vrms
For line voltages below 115V linearly reduce the maximum test voltage by 1%/V unless Opt. LOLINE is fitted (there is no reduction for Opt. LOLINE).

Test Voltage Accuracy
<(± 0.5% ± 1.5V ± (0.01% + 0.2V) per mArms load ± 0.01% per Hz above 100Hz)
955i and 957i Opt. AC10 : Add ±0.1% above 7000Vrms
Opt. AC-30 : <(± 1.5% ± 5V ± (0.05% + 1V) per mArms load)

Test Voltage Overshoot
<5% ( <2% (>0.5s ramp time) Settling to
<±0.5% of final value in

Test Voltage Waveform
Sinewave, 1.35 – 1.46 Crest Factor

Test Frequency Range
951-4i and 957i : 20 to 500Hz
955i and 957i Opt. AC10 : 40 to 500Hz
Opt. AC-30 : 40 to 80Hz

Test Frequency Accuracy


Measurements are performed in the RETURN terminal of the 95x.

Breakdown Current
1uA to 280mApk (DC-50kHz bandwidth)
<(± 1% ± 1uA) accuracy
<30usec detection time, <3msec response time (typically <500usec)

Leakage Current
0.0nA to 200mArms (RMS, In-phase or Quadrature)
Greater of 1 cycle or 10ms measurement period
RMS : <(± 0.5% ± 10nA ± 0.15nA per kV*Hz) accuracy
InPhs : <(± 0.5% ± 10nA ± 0.01nA per kV*Hz) accuracy
Quad : <(± 0.5% ± 10nA ± 0.15nA per kV*Hz) accuracy
Add 0.005% per Hz above 100Hz
955i and 957i Opt. AC10 : Add 50nA (RMS, InPhs and Quad) above 7000Vrms
<±0.005° per Hz phase relative to test voltage (InPhs, Quad)

Arc Current
1 to 30mArms (50KHz-5MHz bandwidth)
<(± 10% ± 1mA) accuracy at 1MHz
4us, 10us, 15us, 20us, 30us or 40us measurement period

Cable Compensation
<(± 1% of error ± 0.01pF)



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