echo q5 quantum computer by TMetrix used in research laboratory

Echo-Q5: The Future of Scalable Quantum Computing

Echo-Q5 is a high-performance turnkey quantum computer that is designed for research labs and workforce development centers. Developed through a collaboration between FormFactor, Tabor Electronics, and QuantWare, the Echo-Q5 redefines small-scale quantum computing, offering unparalleled performance at an accessible price point of under $1M.


Key Features of Echo-Q5:

  • Scalable Quantum Power: The Echo-Q5 supports up to 25 qubits, enabling sophisticated quantum experiments and research.
  • Advanced Hardware Integration: The system combines FormFactor’s JDry-250LF-400 Cryogen-free Dilution Refrigerator, QuantWare’s Soprano 5-Qubit QPU, and Tabor’s Proteus Direct to RF Control Electronics. Each component is optimized to deliver exceptional cooling, control, and qubit performance.
  • User-Friendly Software: With a Python-based, open-source software stack, the Echo-Q5 is both accessible to beginners and flexible enough for seasoned researchers.

System Components:

  1. Cryogenic System: Featuring the HPD LF-600 Dilution Refrigerator, this system provides high cooling power at ultra-low temperatures, essential for maintaining qubit coherence.
  2. Quantum Processor: The QuantWare Soprano 5-Qubit QPU, coupled with the Crescendo-S Traveling-Wave Parametric Amplifier, offers industry-leading coherence times and readout fidelities.
  3. Control Electronics: Tabor’s Proteus system simplifies the control setup with direct-to-microwave digital synthesis, reducing the complexity of cabling and improving phase noise performance.

Why Choose Echo-Q5?

The Echo-Q5 is designed to lower the barriers to quantum computing, making cutting-edge research more accessible. It’s a powerful tool for scientists and engineers to explore the frontiers of quantum technology and train the next generation of quantum professionals.

Explore how the Echo-Q5 can revolutionize your research and quantum development efforts with the best-in-class technology from FormFactor, Tabor Electronics, and QuantWare.


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