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Pearson Electronics Model 1010 Wide Band Current Monitor 5 kA 20 ns

Pearson Electronics Model 1010 Wide Band Current Monitor 5 kA 20 ns

Pearson Electronics model 1010 double-shielded wideband current monitor.

SKU: Model 1010 Category:


This is a Pearson Electronics model 1010 double-shielded wideband current monitor. Pearson Electronics Model 1010

To use a Pearson current transformer one needs an oscilloscope (or for RF work sometimes an RF voltmeter) and an appropriate length of coaxial cable (usually 50 ohms impedance). The output receptacle of the current transformer is connected via the coaxial cable to the high-impedance oscilloscope or voltmeter input. The conductor carrying the current to be measured is passed through the hole in the current transformer. The voltage waveshape as displayed on the oscilloscope will then be a faithful reproduction of the actual current waveshape (within the limitations of rise time and droop specified for the particular model used). The voltage amplitude will be related, on a linear basis, to the current amplitude by the sensitivity or transfer impedance in volts-per-ampere.



4418 Current Monitors_1

Pearson Electronics Model 4418 Current Monitors

* Maximum current-time product can be obtained by using core-reset bias as described in the Application Notes. 2 Ampere-second is typical without bias.


Pearson Electronics

Current Transformer | Current Probe | Current Transducer, Current Toroid | CT | Current Sensor | Pulse Current Monitor, High Frequency Current Transformer   Whether you are interested in observing and measuring submilliamp currents in a charged particle beam or thousands of amps resulting from a fault in a major power feeder, you will find […]

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