Orange Book Of Knowledge

Orange Book Of Knowledge 50th Anniversary Edition

AR products not only provide solutions to current problems, they’re designed with an eye on the future to help you prepare for changing needs. As an industry leader, AR is building products that grow with you as your needs expand; giving you the resources to continually learn about the ever-changing standards and the demands of future test requirements. In fact, for over 48 years, AR has been known not only for its products and innovations, but also as a company that provides knowledge and information about the industries it serves.

That was the original idea behind the Orange Book of Knowledge; but it has grown into much more than we at AR could have ever imagined. For many engineers, this resource book has turned into the “go-to” source for everything and anything related to EMC and so much more.

The future will certainly present new challenges; and AR will be right there with you providing the technical resources and the products to meet those ever-growing demands.

Orange Book Of Knowledge


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Orange Book Of Knowledge 50th Anniversary Edition