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FormFactor Cascade Genius Education Kits

FormFactor Cascade Genius Education Kits

Genius Education Kits Overview



Introducing the FormFactor Cascade Genius Education Kits

Be a Genius

Perform high-performance, on-wafer S-parameter measurements at an affordable price with a probe station that is easy to purchase and fits into the smallest lab!

FormFactor introduces the Genius Education Kits for RF and Microwave S-Parameter measurements – an entry level 150 mm probe solution for universities and schools, completely validated and proven to deliver leading-edge performance measurements.

Our Genius Education Kits include all the critical components to make the measurements you want: Not only the probe station, probes, probe positioners, cables, calibration substrate and WinCal XE calibration software but also a Keysight Streamline Vector Network Analyzer – an industry first. And to optimize your measurements, the Genius Education Kits are designed for ease of use. All controls are easily accessible and allow precise and ergonomic operation.

To complete your support needs, FormFactor can install, train and support the solution. This means that FormFactor will assist you in case you need help performing good calibrations and measurements. Our application engineers have the test expertise needed to help you to be successful, whether you are making critical measurements or just learn how to do an on-wafer S-parameter measurement.

FormFactor Cascade Genius Education Kits

FormFactor Cascade Genius Education Kits

Key Features

Validated and Characterized Measurements

  • Known measurement accuracy traced back to independent standards
  • Uses best measurement practices for optimized measurements
  • Supported by the measurement experts to make you successful



Key Benefits

Uncompromised Performance with an entry level price

  • Best in class RF and Microwave performance
  • Small benchtop footprint
  • Industry standard calibration techniques

Like all “genius” kits, µWgenius includes all the components of an on-wafer S-parameter measurement solution, for universities and educational customers to purchase.  Where the RFgenius options were limited to 26.5GHz, the new µWgenius goes up to 53GHz using the new Keysight P5008A USB Network Analyzer and higher frequency cables.

µWgenius is designed for ease-of-use to optimize measurements. All controls are easily accessible and allow precise and ergonomic operation. FormFactor can install, train and support the solution, ensuring accurate calibrations and measurements.

FormFactor Cascade Genius Education Kits

Trust the Experts at ACA TMetrix Inc.

ACA TMetrix Inc. is a leading Canadian distributor of test and measurement instruments and design tools. For over 55 years we have provided products manufactured by the world’s leading instrument manufacturers. Leading Distributor of Design Tools and Test Equipment in Canada.


Flexible Cascade MPS150 Modular 150mm Probe Station

The MPS150 is an easy to use, yet highly-precise manual probe platform for wafers and substrates up to 150 mm. Pre-configured application-focused probing solutions are available with everything you need to achieve accurate measurement results in the shortest time, with maximum confidence. The MPS150 is the industry’s probe platform of choice.

Flexible Cascade MPS150 Modular 150mm Probe Station

The MPS150 is an easy to use, yet highly-precise manual probe platform for wafers and substrates up to 150 mm. Pre-configured application-focused probing solutions are available with everything you need to achieve accurate measurement results in the shortest time, with maximum confidence. The MPS150 is the industry’s probe platform of choice.

Ordering Information

Part number Description
RFgenius-xx* RFgenius education kit, turn-key solution for measurements up to 4.5/6.5/9/14/20/26.5 GHz
uWgenius-53 µWgenius education kit, turn-key solution for measurements from 100KHz to 53GHz
181-669 FormFactor certified laptop for Genius Education Kits (optional)**

Get in touch with us to inquire about our tailored consulting services.