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Rigol DS1000 Oscilloscopes

Rigol DS1000 Oscilloscopes

  • Oscilloscope Definitions and Concepts
  • Triggering
  • Signal Integrity
  • Advanced Analysis
  • Connectivity and Data Management


SKU: DS1000 / YD30-1281 Category:


The 1000 Series from RIGOL include the B, D, and E series oscilloscopes. The E Series are the value leader with 50-100 MHz models that include 2 channels and 1 Million points of memory. The D Series add low speed digital capture enabling basic mixed signal analysis in a economic package. The B Series provide more speed and power including our economic 4 channel, 200 MHz DS1204B model which provides 2 GSa/sec sampling. With features including FFTs, record and replay, roll mode, alternate trigger mode, and adjustable trigger sensitivity the 1000 Series is a great entry for value oscilloscope requirements.

The Rigol DS1000 (DS1000E, DS1000D) oscilloscopes are entry level-devices at affordable pricing without compromising on quality. The low pricing level results from the large amount of units sold, huge reductions in the margins of manufacturer and distributors, as well as substantial economies.

All models of the DS1000 series are equipped with 2 channels, a sample rate of 1 GSa/s, 1 Mpts memory, a 5.7” (14.4 cm) TFT color display, as well as intuitive measurement and mathematical functions.

Despite of two different bandwidth-ranges (50 and 100 MHz), the DS1000D series models are equipped with a built-in 16 channel logic analyzer.

Rigol DS1000 Oscilloscopes
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