Application: Operational Testing of Multiple-circuit Protective Relays

Protective equipment at power plants and electrical substations detect earth faults and lightning strikes and issue instruction signals to circuit breakers for them to trip when the situation calls for it. For this reason, equipment such as protective relays must be regularly maintained and ready to serve when needed.
Maintenance work includes the verification of correct operation, which can be done using a data acquisition device or waveform recorder that can simultaneously measure control and operating signals for multiple circuits. DAQs also capture operating signal timing while using a command signal as the reference.
As protective equipment become more complex, so do the number of control circuits, and a measuring instrument that can capture data from multiple channels is indispensable.  The Hioki MR8827 Memory HiCorder presents a solution by delivering the following benefits:
  • High-speed, simultaneous sampling across multiple channels
  • Maximum 32 analog + 32 logic channels
  • Capture signals from multiple circuits with voltages ranging from high to low

Read the entire application note here.

Gauss Instruments’ TDEMI ULTRA and EM164k

Real-time, Radiocommunication and 5G Measurements —DC to Terahertz Frequency Range

DC – 40 GHz. That’s the frequency in which Gauss Instruments’ TDEMI ULTRA is available—unless you want to extend it up to the Terahertz frequency range. Yes, that’s what external mixers can do for the TDEMI ULTRA—and for you.

Gauss Instruments’ TDEMI ULTRA

TDEMI ULTRA and external mixers

The outstanding features and advantages of the largest real-time bandwidth in the T&M market, as well as the ability to perform ultra-fast measurements, are available throughout the frequency range through the use of external mixers. This means that TDEMI ULTRA applications are not limited to ultra-fast EMI measurements, but also include radio communication testing, especially the testing of signals and frequency bands and measurements for 5G applications.

Gauss Instruments’ TDEMI ULTRA

Digital demodulation and emission measurement of an EUT in the range above 4GHz

The 685 MHz real-time bandwidth of the TDEMI ULTRA can display a fully gapless spectrogram with 300 ps POI, evaluate IQ data and perform digital demodulation. With this set-up 5G testing can be done in accordance with FCC standards. Compared with other 5G measurement solutions, the TDEMI ULTRA accelerates measurements tremendously. When combined with Gauss Instruments’ Automation Software Suite EM164k, additional novel evaluation tools and features are available, further simplifying daily testing work.

By using the TDEMI ULTRA’s unique real-time scanning feature, a measurement can be performed, displayed and recorded in the spectrogram mode over a range of several GHz in real time. By approaching the THz range, as well as with its real-time scanning capabilities, the TDEMI ULTRA opens the door to recording and visualization, exceeding current requirements for 5G testing and laying the foundation for the future.

The vast amount of recorded measurement data provides extraordinary characterization, documentation and evaluation possibilities. With the Automation Software Suite EMI64k, angle, radiation, height and polarization per frequency point can all be displayed.

In addition to their unrivaled technological advantages and range of applications, the TDEMI ULTRA and Automation Software Suite EMI64k provide significant economic benefits. By reducing overall test times and providing full EUT characterization, it’s possible to reduce testing and development costs, and to accelerate the time-to-market process of your products—all while increasing testing quality.

Request a quote

Interested in the TDEMI ULTRA or any other Gauss Instruments product? Request a quote from ACA-TMetrix.


Gauss Instruments’ EMI64k Automation Software: Fully Automated Emissions Measurements

Gauss Instruments’ TDEMI family of EMI receivers provides an expansive, fully CISPR-compliant, real-time bandwidth that allows you to dramatically—and simultaneously— accelerate your measurements and reduce measurement uncertainty. By using Gauss Instruments’ full automation software suite EMI164k, test procedures can be configured in accordance with the CISPR 16-2-3 standard for FFT-based measuring instruments. Compared to previous pre-scan and final measurement strategies, this greatly increases overall test quality—and reduces test times by orders of magnitude.

Previously, pre-scan and final scan test procedures were performed to reduce overall test times. Today, Gauss Instruments’ offers a novel real-time scanning feature for the TDEMI X test receiver series that provides a real-time bandwidth spanning several Gigahertz, allowing final optimization to be performed at all frequencies—simultaneously, in just one step.

With a newly designed, very powerful hardware module, such measurements across several Gigahertz can be done in the real-time spectrum analyzer mode. In the 1-18 GHz frequency range all frequency points can be directly measured at a very high resolution in time and the results can be optimized instantly.

Over the entire frequency range the results are displayed in real time. Detectors’ peak, average and RMS are all available in this mode. What’s more, video bandwidths required in accordance with the standards can be applied. Of course, all measurements in accordance with the standards CISPR 16-1-1 MIL 461 and DO 160, as well as many other national and international standards, are fully covered.

Automated Emissions Measurements

EMI64 graphical user interface

For the first time, a typical measurement in the 1-18 GHz range can be scanned in real time by testing with Gauss Instruments’ TDEMI X receiver. The DUT is rotated in just one continuous movement and the angular position and the maximum level of emission are recorded. All requirements of CISPR 16-2-3, ANSI and FCC standards are met by the TDEMI X receiver.

Automated Emissions Measurements_1

Full 3D radiation pattern of the DUT

The upshot of all this is that EMC testing can now be more sustainable. For example, it is now possible to create an entire database and documentation with radiation patterns, test procedures and casing construction, as well as with much more information. Newly developed products and designs can be tested right from the beginning to make sure all required limits are met. This allows you to reduce the time and money you spend in the development, design and final market certification processes.

The EMI164k is not limited to CISPR applications. It also performs measurements in accordance with FCC and ANSI, or MIL-461 and DO-160 standards!

The TDEMI receiver family is ideal for all kinds of tests and applications, starting with pre-compliance, ultra-compact and mobile receivers right up to high-end EMI test solutions with up to 685 MHz real-time bandwidth and 40 GHz real-time scanning—all with the lowest noise floor available in the receiver and real-time analyzer market.

Thanks to the modular architecture of Gauss Instruments’ TDEMI EMI receivers, as well as the EMI164k automation software suite, ACA TMetrix can provide an optimized, cost-effective software solution tailored to your requirements.

Request a quote

Interested in EMI64k automation software or any other product from Gauss Instruments? Request a quote from ACA-TMetrix.



Aim-TTi Delivers Two New TGR2050 Series RF Signal Generators With Optional Built-in Complex Modulation

TGR250 Series

ACA TMetrix is pleased to highlight two next-generation RF signal generators from Aim-TTi —the TGR2051 and TGR2053. Both units offer exceptional performance and improved functionality with touch screen operation.

The TGR2050 series of high-performance RF generators feature several enhancements, including:

  • High frequency accuracy and stability;
  • High signal purity with excellent phase noise;
  • Output power levels of -127dBm to +13dBm;
  • Flexible analog and digital modulation capabilities.

Doing development, test or service work? The TGR2500 series is ideal for all three.

TGR2050 series sweep function

The sweep function enables signals of varying frequency and/or amplitude to test a full range of input conditions quickly and efficiently. Step sweeps are created according to a formula over a specified number of points, in the range 2 – 1000. Formula specifics include: start and stop values and dwell time following SYNC at each point. Sweeps can be set to run in either direction, with linear or logarithmic spacing. Alternatively, list mode can be used to analyse the response at set frequencies and amplitude—dwelling on set values for specified amounts of time.

This is useful for testing at known problematic frequencies within a setup. The list can be created within the instrument or downloaded via the remote interfaces. The sweep setups can either be run through as a single sweep or in a continuous loop and prompted by an internal, external or manual trigger. Complex sweep triggering is available to control complete sweeps and/or each point within a sweep.

TGR-U01 option 

Aim-TTis TGR-U01 option adds an extensive range of digital modulations:

  • FSK
  • GFSK
  • MSK
  • GMSK
  • HMSK
  • 3FSK
  • 4FSK
  • PSK
  • ASK
  • OOK
Built in NRZ patterns include:

  • Square wave
  • 7-bit PRBS
  • 9-bit PRBS
  • 11-bit PRBS
  • 15-bit PRBS





Digital modulation capabilities also include advanced filtering:

  • Gaussian
  • Raised Cosine
  • Root Raised Cosine
  • Half Sine
  • Grey Code
  • Binary Encoding



External digital modulation signals can be applied to the carrier waveform via the MOD in/out on the rear panel.

Advanced remote control accommodates sophisticated new automated systems and compatibility with Aim-TTI’s previous RF instruments enables incorporation into existing systems. With a small footprint and lightweight design, and the best price point / performance ratio in its class, the TGR2050 series maintains Aim-TTi’s reputation for high-quality, reliable, great-value products.

Request a Quote for Aim-TTi TGR2051 and TGR2053

Looking to purchase an Aim-TTi TGR2051 or TGR2053? Request a quote from ACA-TMetrix.




New Product Announcement : Unigraf UCD-422

Unigraf UCD-422: 8K video analyzer and generator 

The UCD-422 is a video generator and analyzer for testing the HDMI 2.1 interface up to 8K video modes. Resolutions up to 8K@60 fps are supported. The UCD-422 offers support for FEC, DSC Sink & Source and aARC. HDCP 2.2 and HDCP 2.3 are also supported. UCD-422 is a flexible and robust tool either via an easy-to-use GUI for R&D debugging or via automated functional tests. UCD Console GUI provides the user access to the vital test parameters and controls.

Unigraf UCD-422 

Dolby Vision™ Test Tool

UCD-422 is an official Dolby Vision™ test tool. Unigraf provides video and audio capturing via the UCD-422. The UCD Console GUI provided with the UCD-422 shows the video capture. Dolby provides customers with the software package that analyzes the Dolby Vision™ video captured with the UCD-422.



  • HDMI 2.1 test equipment (FRL)
    • Enhanced gaming features (VRR, ALLM)
    • Forward Error Correction (FEC)
    • HDCP 2.2 & HDCP 2.3 support
    • TMDS support
    • Dolby Vision™ test tool
    • 8K@60 fps support (12 Gbps/channel)
    • eARC support
    • DSC support (expected in 2020)
    • UCD Console GUI for debugging
    • High-level API for easy integration
  • Video analyzer software (expected in Q1 2020)

About Unigraf

Unigraf is a world-leading video electronics testing company that specializes in hardware and software test tools for testing USB-C™, DisplayPort™ and HDMI™ interfaces. Unigraf’s technological strengths are its deep understanding of the interfaces in R&D, test automation and compliance test environments. Unigraf has introduced multiple ground-breaking innovations.


More information

For more information about Unigraf and its product line, please contact us.



New Supplier Announcement – Gauss Instruments

Ultra-high-performance EMC test equipment and advanced EMI test solutions

ACA TMetrix is pleased to announce that we now have a new supplier—Gauss Instruments, a Germany-based manufacturer of ultra-high-performance EMC test equipment and provider of advanced EMI test solutions that:

  • Rapidly advance product development and testing capabilities;
  • Accelerate time-to-market cycles.

Product certification and precertification

Since its foundation in 2007 Gauss Instruments has been putting the turbo in EMC, making product certifications and precertification tasks simpler than they’ve ever been. All around the world Gauss Instruments provides unrivaled products, advanced test solutions, and services— in conjunction with a local service partner. 

Receiver and analyzer solutions

Gauss Instruments_3Gauss Instruments’ ongoing innovation combines its deep knowledge of real-time digital signal processing, millimeter, and microwave technologies to develop receiver and analyzer solutions that combine and blur the lines between previously discrete test instruments—while delivering speeds and analysis capabilities several orders of magnitude greater than other measurement equipment. Combining both the advantages of the ‘old’ analog and the ‘new’ digital world, Gauss pushes your testing to the next level—and readies it for the future.

More information

For more information about Gauss Instruments and its product line, please contact us.

Hi-Techniques, Inc. – Bringing Intelligence to Data Acquisition

ACA TMetrix Synergy Power Analyzer QC 1Oct2019


About Hi-Techniques, Inc.

Hi-Techniques, Inc. manufactures data acquisition systems and digital oscilloscopes. The systems are used for mechanical, electrical, acoustic, shock, and vibration measurements. The company also offers software upgrades for its data acquisition systems. It caters to automotive, aerospace, power, and industrial markets.

The PC-based systems are used for measuring signals from mechanical, chemical, and other transient physical phenomena. With digitizers ranging from Ksps to 200 Msps, we cover a wide variety of applications in the physical and biological sciences.


HIOKI Launches Power Quality Analyzer PQ3198

HIOKI Launches Power Quality Analyzer PQ3198

Revamped Functionality and Specs Simplify Recording and Analysis of Power Supply Issues

New instrument eliminates the need for a dedicated sensor power supply while enabling power and efficiency measurement of two circuits
March 14, 2019 – Nagano, Japan
HIOKI Launches Power Quality Analyzer PQ3198

                PQ3198 Power Quality Analyzer

HIOKI is pleased to announce the launch of the Power Quality Analyzer PQ3198, a new instrument that revamps the functionality and specifications of its predecessor, the Power Quality Analyzer PW3198. The product makes it even easier to record and analyze power supply issues, including by eliminating the need for a dedicated sensor power supply and by enabling power and efficiency measurement of two circuits.

■ Development Background
As power circuits become more complex with increasing use of power electronics devices, large equipment, and geographically dispersed power supplies, power supply issues in the form of electronic device malfunctions and failures are becoming more common.

HIOKI Launches Power Quality Analyzer PQ3198

Drive AC flex sensor from PQ3198

Power quality analyzers are measuring instruments that record and analyze power supply quality in order to investigate the causes of those and similar issues in the field. Since launching the Power Quality Analyzer 3196 in 2001, HIOKI has developed a series of increasingly sophisticated products for the product line to accommodate customer needs while helping them resolve numerous power supply issues around the world.
HIOKI’s line of power quality analyzers currently consists of the mid-range PQ3100, launched in October 2016, and the flagship PW3198, launched in April 2011. Those instruments are paired with voltage cords and current sensors that measure voltage and current, respectively, and some of the latter require a separate, dedicated power supply. After HIOKI added functionality for powering current sensors to the PQ3100, there was increasing demand from customers to do the same for the flagship PW3198, which led HIOKI to redesign the model.

HIOKI Launches Power Quality Analyzer PQ3198

   Solar power system

■ Principal New Functionality  
1. Ability to supply power to sensors, eliminating the need for a dedicated power supply
The PQ3198 can supply power to AC flexible sensors*1 and AC/DC sensors*2, eliminating the need to provide a separate, dedicated power supply for those devices as they have required in the past. In addition to making it possible to use the instrument in outdoor locations where power is not readily available, this capability makes it easier to work in confined locations by reducing the number of wires needed to make measurements.

2. Ability to measure power and efficiency on two circuits
The PQ3198 can simultaneously measure power and efficiency on two circuits, for example in the primary (input) side and secondary (output) side of an EV rapid charger’s AC/DC converter or a solar power system.
The instrument can also measure DC to AC inverters with a fundamental frequency of 40 to 70 Hz and a carrier frequency*3 of 20 kHz or less.3. Remote measurement using FTP server functionality
The PQ3198 provides an FTP server function, making it easy to acquire data from the instrument remotely.4. Extended recording without the need to worry about the number of events (power anomalies)
Whereas the previous model (the PW3198) was able to record a maximum of 1000 events, the PQ3198 boosts that number to 9999. Further, it can record continuously for up to 366 days based on repeat recording settings.5. Standard support for analysis with PQ ONE analytical software
The PQ3198 ships with PQ ONE, a popular analytical software package that also comes with the Power Quality Analyzer PQ3100. Functionality includes display of event statistics (to display events by date or time of day), EN50160 judgment (for evaluation, analysis, and judgment capability that complies with the EN50160 standard), and report generation.

■ Principal Markets
Management of power quality and analysis of power supply issues by power companies, electricians, electrical maintenance engineers, building maintenance companies, electrical safety associations, and equipment end-users*1 AC flexible sensor: A loop-shaped AC sensor that can be bent freely. Used to measure wires with a large diameter and large currents. In the context of the PQ3198, “AC flexible sensors” refers to the AC Flexible Current Sensor CT7044/CT7045/CT7046.
*2: AC/DC sensor: A sensor that can measure either alternating or direct current. In the context of the PQ3198, “AC/DC sensors” refers to the AC/DC Auto Zero Current Sensor CT7731/CT7736/CT7742.
*3: Carrier frequency: The frequency that determines the timing at which the power semiconductors in an inverter circuit switch on and off.
HIOKI Launches Power Quality Analyzer PQ3198

Orange Book Of Knowledge 50th Anniversary Edition

AR products not only provide solutions to current problems, they’re designed with an eye on the future to help you prepare for changing needs. As an industry leader, AR is building products that grow with you as your needs expand; giving you the resources to continually learn about the ever-changing standards and the demands of future test requirements. In fact, for over 48 years, AR has been known not only for its products and innovations, but also as a company that provides knowledge and information about the industries it serves.

That was the original idea behind the Orange Book of Knowledge; but it has grown into much more than we at AR could have ever imagined. For many engineers, this resource book has turned into the “go-to” source for everything and anything related to EMC and so much more.

The future will certainly present new challenges; and AR will be right there with you providing the technical resources and the products to meet those ever-growing demands.

Orange Book Of Knowledge


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Orange Book Of Knowledge 50th Anniversary Edition